A Time for Reflection

Let’s consider a new machine with no moving parts… a mirror. Oh. You say you’re not sure a mirror qualifies as a machine?

Well, OK then. Let’s make the mirror part of a solar oven. Feel better now? LOL

With that out of the way, let’s say we have a spherical oven with a round opening to receive solar energy. What would it take to create a light collecting mirror that would maximize the amount of energy directed into our oven? Obviously, we need a wide opening at the top. The wider the better, right? And the angle of the mirror should be such that every ray of light that strikes the mirror is reflected into our oven.

Waste not, want not, I always say. Before we leave that thought, can we agree that a rectangular setup of four flat mirrors, although easy to make, cannot meet our requirements since the surfaces near the corners reflect at sub optimal angles.

Break It Down For Me

Well, we must conclude that in order to maximize the collection of solar energy fed into a circular opening, we need a conical funnel, technically called a frustum, designed with the following characteristics:

  • Area:

    The area at the top of the funnel must be large enough to capture all the energy required for our design. Solar insolation is generally taken to be 1000 watts per square meter. Good to know.

  • Funnel angle:

    Funnel angle is the angle between the slant side of the funnel and the vertical axis. This is actually called the ‘half-angle’ since there is a duplicate on the other side. It is typically measured in degrees. While it is true that a wider funnel angle will increase the projected area of the funnel’s opening, we already know the area required to accept the amount of sunlight that is to be collected. The angle must be chosen to assure that all the captured light is actually directed into the opening we are trying to target. Although it may look strange, the formula for this angle is:

    Ø = ½cos⁻¹(½(D/d-1))

    D is the large diameter at the top and
    d is the smaller bottom diameter

  • Important note: If D/d is 3 or greater, this formula will fail. You must either reduce your large diameter or increase the small one. Ratios of 3 or more require infeasibly small angles. Like, you know? Straight up. That’s no good. LOL. So, watch your selection of D and d values. Oh, and smaller ratios will produce shorter solar funnels. That calculation is the next step.

  • Funnel height:

    The height of the funnel is chosen in coordination with the two diameters to achieve the desired angle. The formula is:

    Height = (D-d)/(2tan Ø)

    Where the variables have been previously defined.

  • Sun angle:

    The funnel should be oriented so that the angle of incidence of sunlight is as close to 90° as possible. This simply means it needs to be pointed directly at the sun if we want to ensure that the maximum amount of sunlight is collected. Surprise! Duh.

Show Me An Example

Ok, for example, we might decide we want to design a 650 watt solar oven. To achieve this would require an area of 0.650 m² at the top of our funnel given the normal amount of solar radiation that reaches us on a sunny day. We can make the following calculation:

D = 2*sqrt(0.650/𝛑) = 0.91 m or 36”

Let’s suppose we decide that a 14” diameter opening is a suitable size to feed our oven. We can now derive the proper funnel angle:

Ø = ½cos⁻¹(½(36/14-1)) = 19.1°

And finally, the height must be:

H = (36-14)/(2*tan(19.1)) = 31.77”

You can check your work by testing this relationship:

(D-d)/(D+d) = tan Ø/tan 2Ø

All that remains is to make a flat pattern to fabricate our funnel. There is a nice calculator available here. It even tells you the size of the sheet material you will need. That material must be as smooth as possible with a mirror finish. Any imperfections will reflect light in directions not consistent with our goal.

Crinkled aluminum foil is probably not the best answer you could come up with. Aluminuzed mylar will probably work for a while. Be aware however, the aluminum will slowly oxidize over time and the alumina (aluminum oxide) will flake off. This is unfortunate indeed.

Explain The Theory Behind Your Numbers

Sure. We are assuming that the solar rays of light are parallel and enter the funnel straight on, that is, we are pointed directly at the sun and perfectly aligned. Any rays coming in without touching the reflector simply enter straight into our oven. In practice, without a functioning tracker device, this won’t be true but we must start somewhere.

We know from physics that the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence. Our reflector angle must be such that it will map every incoming incident ray across the entire opening. What this means is that a ray that strikes the middle of the reflector must enter the oven through the center of the opening. One that just manages to strike the reflector at the bottom edge must enter right near there while one that catches the top of the reflector must be deflected all the way across the space to enter at the other side. All reflected rays are in parallel as they enter the oven opening.

The angle formula given above does exactly this. In order to achieve this optimal angle, we must adjust the height of our funnel. This is essentially the equivalent of focusing. By adjusting the height we can focus the incoming light to exactly match the size of our opening, thus maximizing the input energy.

So, there you have it. It looks like you got a two-fer with this post. We set out to explore mirrors as machines with no moving parts and learned something about solar ovens in the process. We aim to please. Enjoy.

Bonus2: Another pattern calculator.